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Naming conventions


Basic introduction (by example) to default methods available in functional interfaces in this library.

Prefix 'L'

Because some function names are very close or exactly like JRE, or possibly like other 3rd party libraries, all names of functional interfaces are prefixed with 'L'. As much as such prefix is redundant it actually makes difference between Function from LFunction, and alike.


Argument types names in interface name are shortened.

Type Name part
int 'Int'
long 'Long'
short 'Srt'
float 'Flt'
double 'Dbl'
boolean 'Bool'


@Test public void namingParts_args() { LToIntFunction<Number> f1 = Number::intValue; LToLongFunction<Number> f2 = Number::longValue; LToByteFunction<Number> f3 = Number::byteValue; LToSrtFunction<Number> f4 = Number::shortValue; LToFltFunction<Number> f5 = Number::floatValue; LToDblFunction<Number> f6 = Number::doubleValue; LBoolFunction<Boolean> f7 = i -> i ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; LObjBiIntFunction<String, String> f8 = (String str, int i1, int i2) -> String.format("%s[%d,%d]", str, i1, i2); // not all interface names need to include arg types names LTriFunction<String, String, String, String> f9 = (s1, s2, s3) -> String.format("%s[%s,%s, %s]", s1, s2, s3); }

Functional interface type

In respect to the interface type, compared to JRE, there are no surprises (except maybe for Action). But there are also some methods that include the interface name

Type Interface suffix Static method
action 'Action' 'act'
consumer 'Consumer' 'cons'
predicate 'Predicate' 'pred'
operator 'Operator' 'op'
logical operator 'LogicalOperator' 'logicalOp'
function 'Function' 'func'


@Test public void namingFunctionTypes() { LAction f1 = LAction.act(() -> out.println("done")); LConsumer<String> f2 = LConsumer.cons(out::println); LPredicate<String> f3 = LPredicate.pred(s -> Is.equal(s, "true")); LUnaryOperator<String> f4 = LUnaryOperator.unaryOp(s -> s); LLogicalOperator f5 = LLogicalOperator.logicalOp(s -> s); LFunction<String, String> f6 = LFunction.func(s -> s); }

Cases where you might want to use static wrapper methods are explained here.

Argument numbers

Table presenting prefixes for Functional interfaces ans names of Tuples for ALL generic arguments:

Quantity non-operator operator tuple
0 '' - LTuple.Void
1 '' 'Unary' LSingle
2 'Bi' 'Binary' LPair
3 'Tri' 'Ternary' LTriple
4 'Quad' - LQuad
5 'Quint' - LQuint

If you find those prefixes inconsistent, you are not alone - Numeral prefixes. Inconsistency was already broken in JRE ('Bi'/'Tri' vs 'Di'/'Tri'). For this library potentially the most expected one were used.


@Test public <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> void argNo() { LSupplier<T1> f0; LFunction<T1, R> f1; LBiFunction<T1, T2, R> f2; LTriFunction<T1, T2, T3, R> f3; LQuadFunction<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> f4; LQuintFunction<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> f5; LTernaryOperator<T1> op; LIntTernaryOperator intOp; LObjBiIntFunction<T1, String> objIntInt_To_R = (obj, i1, i2) -> String.format("%s[%d, %d]", obj, i1, i2); }

Special Cases

Some special types of functional interfaces are breaking the naming convention. You can see those in table (here) with note in "Special" column.

@Test public <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> void specialNamingCases() { LOiFunction<List<T1>, T1> f0 = (source, index) -> source.get(index); LOiFunction<List<T1>, T1> f0_bis = List::get; LTieConsumer<List<T2>, T2> f1 = (targetList, index, element) -> targetList.add(element); LTieConsumer<List<T2>, T2> f1_bis = List::add; LBiConsumer<List<T2>, T2> f2 = (targetList, element) -> targetList.add(element); LBiConsumer<List<T2>, T2> f2_bis = List::add; }

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